Blackjack Dojo
Screenshot of Blackjack Dojo app
Card counting and basic strategy drills for Blackjack.

I—a card counter—have good news and bad news for you.

First, the good news:

In Blackjack, it's possible to gain an edge over the house...if you count cards perfectly.

By keeping track of the count, you can profitably adjust your bets and basic strategy (depending on whether the deck favors you or the house).

For example: basic strategy says to never * split 10s, even when the dealer is showing a 6.

* Unless you're counting cards. If you're keeping count, then you know when the deck is rich in high cards.

And when it is? Split away.

Now the bad news...reality.

It's hard to count cards.

For one, the house can tell when you're playing smart. Back offs are not uncommon.

But even if you're subtle, you have to count cards perfectly.

Which means you have to keep track of every hand, not just yours.

And casinos? They can be a bit...noisy. Card counting has to be a muscle memory, because your lizard brain is going ape-shit with all the distractions.

If that's not hard enough, you also have to know basic strategy like the back of your hand.

Which means you need to memorize—not just learn—all 340 player/dealer hand combinations.

In other words, you need practice...a lot of practice

Results may vary, but for me it took about 100 hours to become proficient (slow learner).

Now the traditional (read: old) way to practice is to flip through a deck of cards while reciting the count.


And that's a fine way to practice...that is if existential boredom is your thing.

But I don't want that. I want a game.

I want card counting to be fun... fun as rote memorization can get.

I want to knock out a drill when I'm line at the DMV.

I want to track my progress; to see if I'm getting faster.

That's why I made this app.

Introducing Blackjack Dojo

Blackjack Dojo isn't a magic bullet. You still have to practice...for weeks.

Instead, Blackjack Dojo makes it convenient for you to practice card counting.

There are seven drills:

Each drill runs through a six-deck shoe and lasts about two minutes. If you make four mistakes (B-U-S-T), you lose.

They're all speed drills; the object is to get faster 🚀. To help track your progress, the Blackjack Dojo will record your fastest time for each level...if you complete it without a mistake!

One app to count them all

There are many card counting systems (see for yourself).

Currently I'm learning REKO; a level 1 system. But eventually I plan on leveling up to have a greater edge.

With Blackjack Dojo, I can easily reconfigure it to train me on most counting systems (up to level 4, no side counts).

Moreover, I can adjust the basic strategy, depending on what style of Blackjack I'm training for.

Start training today

Blackjack Dojo is available in the App Store and Google Play. I'm releasing a Steam version by the end of 2024.


To your success,

Blackjack Dojo